"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor
spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory
clothed himself like one of these."
Luke 12:27
God's wisdom and love can be likened to the
of our world, woven on a divine
In effect God creates reality by His creative Word, his 'loom',
weaving divine wisdom with divine love to create the 'fabric' of
the world. The purpose of this website is to compare the worldview
endemic to the Catholic Church with that of Jehovah's Witnesses and
that of materialist atheism, and to show that the Catholic worldview
best comports with the reality of our world and the Church which
Jesus Christ built.
This website is intended for Jehovah's Witnesses, former Jehovah's
Witnesses, and those who may be considering becoming Jehovah's
Witnesses. The arguments presented herein for the Catholic faith will
be of interest to Protestant and so-called 'non-denominational' faiths
as well. The arguments for Christian theism will be of interest to
those with no religious faith at all and hopefully to those dear souls
among former Jehovah's Witnesses for whom the Watchtower organization
effectively 'poisoned the well' with respect to the Catholic Church
and Christian faith.
My observation is that many (most in the case of children who
were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses) who leave the Watchtower
organization drift almost immediately into agnosticism or atheism.
Their 'faith' was in an organization, not in Jesus Christ and in effect
they are left 'naked'. I hope to offer them the fabric of faith that
will clothe them by weaving together arguments answering two
questions ...
better comports with reality as we encounter it:
atheism or Christianity?
Which religion comports better with the beliefs and practices of
authentic early Christianity:
Jehovah's Witnesses or the Catholic Church?
I invite your engagement with me on these questions. Please bear in
mind that I do not have the perfect answer for every question —
my memory is sadly lacking. In some cases I may have an answer but not
the best wording for the answer. And even if I don't have a particular
answer, that doesn't mean that answer doesn't exist, any more than a
person's refusal to accept an answer means the answer is inadequate. I
offer these observations simply as the fruits of my own twenty years
of investigation in the hope that it may help others journeying along
this path. An honest intellect and an open mind without self-deceit
can only lead to a better outcome.
You may leave comments or questions below, but be sure to read our
policy on commenting
before doing so. Thank you!
Some will immediately accuse me here of
begging the question,
since I have already made the assumption that God exists and created
the world (not to mention the exclusive adoption of Christianity as the
true and proper relationship to God). But that is what I believe can be
shown from the facts.
What I cannot show from the facts — but hope and pray — is
that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses will repent of their
unwarranted arrogation of the authority given by Christ only to His
Church in the First Century, and release those precious souls of
Jehovah's Witnesses from a man-made religion to hear and respond to
the Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church. (Rev. 22:17)
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All contents of this website are copyright 2023 by Richard Whiting
(aka Timberline Logic) and may be shared as long as proper
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